United States based rebel musician Thomas Tafirenyika Mapfumo has blasted ED Mnangagwa’s government for causing sanctions and failing to improve the lives of poor Zimbabweans.

The music maestro who is billed for 8 live shows this December said the military backed government should stop playing with people’s lives. Mapfumo added that the Zanu PF government needs to improve the welfare of the nation first and be a uniting force before complaining about sanctions.

Donald Trump’s US administration extended Zimbabwe sanctions hours after the military gunned down civilians in down-town Harare on 1 August as the nation awaited for the first post Mugabe election results.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF government has blamed the embargo for the deterioration of the economy and has been on a charm offensive to persuade the Americans to lift the sanctions.

But Mapfumo believes the problem is right in Zimbabwe;

“Let’s practice good governance first. We are the ones causing these sanctions, not the outside world. If we are not agreeing among ourselves, they will remain.”

“What we have is politics of corruption, not development.

“Even well-known thieves hold senior positions in government …there is too much corruption instead of them building infrastructure such as schools, freeways and hospitals,” said Mapfumo.