ONLINE VIDEO: MDC Alliance vs Zanu PF petition live images from Con Court in Zim, Harare

Zimbabwe opposition challenges election results..Here is a live video feed of the ConCourt case …Nelson Chamisa of MDC Alliance vs Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zanu PF and ZEC.

Latest Court Judgement Video is Here

Video 3 ZEC, Zanu PF lawyers

Video 2 Chamisa-MDC Alliance lawyer presents arguments:

The Constitutional Court has thrown out responding affidavits from three losing presidential candidates(Manyika, Mangoma, Shumba)| after finding that they were “not properly before the court”

Video 1 Manyika, Mangoma, Shumba make presentations

Chief Justice Luke Malaba clarifies the 4 categories of participants, that is the Applicant, Respondents who filed notices of opposition, People who did not file notices of opposition but filed documents in support of the applicant and People who have indicated they are not going to participate. he says the court will hear oral arguments by the parties, each party being given 20 minutes of uninterrupted submissions.

Adv. Thabani Mpofu, representing Nelson Chamisa, argues that the submissions by respondents(other opposition parties) supporting Chamisa be considered by the court but Adv. Lewis Uriri, representing Emmerson Mnangagwa, says otherwise.

The lawyer representing ZEC concurs with Adv. Uriri that the respondents in the matter had two options, which are to file opposing papers or not to file any papers, but not to support the applicant.