It rains, but never pours for the outspoken national chairman of Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans cde Christopher Mutsvangwa who has been recalled in his backyard by the wing’s Mashonaland West provincial leadership.

This quickly reminds many of the return of the iron fist during former President Robert Mugabe last days were votes of no confidences were the order of the day.

The Mashonaland West provincial executive fired Mutsvangwa during a meeting held at Cooksey Memorial Hall in Chinhoyi.

They resolved that Mutsvangwa be recalled from the national executive and automatically ceasing to be the national chairman of the war veterans body with immediate effect.

According to Zanu PF led publication, The Patriot, the provincial executive cited among its reasons for recalling Mutsvangwa that he is unfaithful, self-centered, lacks respect to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, despite being perceived as his close ally as he was ED’s special advisor before the harmonised elections.

The provincial executive also said Mutsvangwa has been making utterances that brought the veterans body and party into disrepute.

Mutsvangwa has been a bitter man after losing Norton constituency seat to Temba Mliswa before also being dropped in ED’s new cabinet.

However, Mutsvangwa has been uttering controversial statements in the past days attacking ED despite the fact that his wife Monica is the government’s spokesperson by virtue of being Minister of Information.

Zanu PF is reportedly torn between two rival factions one supporting Mnangagwa and the other supporting his deputy Chiwenga.

Mutsvangwa is allegedly the power behind Chiwenga’s faction.
