Addressing members of her party in Harare East Constituency, ZANU PF Chairman Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri encouraged the residents to vote out Tendai Biti and his sanction-begging crew.

Muchinguri assured residents that ZANU PF the government will make sure residents acquire title deeds and have their stands regularized.

She expressed disappointment in the dilapidated state of Harare East caused by opposition leadership and encouraged members to vote ZANU PF.

Muchinguri donated a number of soccer balls and broiler chicks among other things for the youths and women in line with our visionary President’s NDS1 which encourages Production and Productivity.

The ruling party’s Chairman promised to elevate entrepreneurship in the Constituency.

Meanwhile, ZANU PF Youth Leader Tendai Chirau who was at the rally handed over branded soccer balls for the youths and vegetable seed packs.

He encouraged members to unite and come in numbers to vote for Mavis Gumbo who is representing the Party on the 26 March By-election.
