ZwNews Chief Correspondent

Christopher Mutsvangwa became the ‘Commander in chief of the war veterans’ during the coup, he was instrumental in the ascendency of President Emmerson Mnangagwa (ED), he mobilised the war veterans into the streets against the then president Robert Mugabe.

The day before the big march against Mugabe, Mutsvangwa and company held a well-attended press conference at a local hotel in Harare, most if not all of the world’s renowned media organisations, including publication was there too. On that day, he frankly and confidently told the world that Mugabe’s time was up.

He verbally charged against Mugabe, and told the press, international ones included that the following day was a day to rewrite Zimbabwe’s history, as the dictator was to fall.

That is the man called Mutsvangwa, he played a key role in the coup, to the extent that ED awarded him by making him his presidential advisor, and now he is being fired. He is being charged for disrespecting the President. This came when he recently denounced the fuel cartels that are believed to have captured the state.

Some might call it the death of the commissar, while others might think that Mutsvangwa is a no-body. Others may still think that he managed to rally the war vets against Mugabe because they too had a bone to chew with Mugabe.

And the current scenario is different, but who knows if there are strong characters behind Mutsvangwa? Think of these said cartels. Another question: Is Mnangagwa going to chase the wife (Monica)?

Since coming to power or even before, Mnangagwa created friends as he created enemies, notably the Generation 40 which is not dead, and the alleged tiff with his deputy, Constantino Chiwenga, as such, ED could be digging his own grave.

The bad thing about Zimbabwean politics is that they are run on cartels’ wavelengths, and as such, ED should know that the smarter and well-connected cartel of the day will have the last laugh.

History has it on good account that internal fissures and disgruntlements are corrosive ingredients for the erosion of authoritarian regimes. Watch this space, only time is the vindicator.