A video has surfaced on the internet showing a shocking and barbaric attack by Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) soldiers on unarmed and helpless women outside their homes in the yard while the men are made to crawl on the road.

A man who resembles the infamous AK47 shooter who was branded “terrorist” by Mnangagwa’s government is seen in the video giving instructions to a soldier in uniform to beat three women.

One of the victims is forced to drop her young child down before lying on the ground. A man in army uniform then beat her up with other women while her toddler is just few centimetres away.

Circled: ED’s govt say AK47 shooter who mixes with police & soldiers is terrorist

Despite unconvincing pledges by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to arrest errant state security agents, videos capturing the ongoing brutality continue to emerge.

Following the #Shutdown protests which occurred two weeks back and degenerated into violence, the government responded by sending soldiers and policemen into the high-density areas where they enforced a brutal crackdown.

The military and the police have been accused of carrying out systematic human rights abuses which include arbitrary and brutal assaults on civilians.

Men forced to crawl on road

AK47 terrorist orders abuse

The soldiers have also been accused of raping and sexually assaulting women.

Bulawayo has recently seen a shocking increase in rape against teenage girls below the age of 17.

A leaked police report seen by journalists accused three members of the Zimbabwe National Army of raping a fifteen year old Chitungwiza girl at gunpoint during stay away protests.

Govt says AK47 shooter in police car is a dangerous terrorist