The persons who were camped at Justice Ndewere’s home since 6.30am left after human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa rushed to the scene.

They claimed to be police officers who had come to withdraw the judges’s security. Mtetwa is asking why her security has been withdrawn.

The men, in a blue truck had arrived at 6.30am and were initially inside the yard but later parked outside the gate.

In line with protocol,the judge’s house is guarded by the police protection unit, but the lone cop on duty could only watch the unknown men from a distance.

Mtetwa is also questioning why it was necessary to bring a truckload of police officers.

Justice Ndewere says she is being persecuted for granting bail to MDC leader Job Sikhala & refusing to be manipulated by her superiors. Ndewere is under investigation for “incompetence”. -Newshawks