CHIPINGE – A school teacher from Vhimba Primary in Chimanimani District has pleaded guilty to bedding his under-age pupil on several occasions.

Timothy Munoendevhunyi (47) appeared at Chipinge Magistrates’ Court this week where he was before Magistrate Elizabeth Hanzi.

He had sex with the 15-year-old girl without protection at his house on several occasions. He then gave her loose biscuits and zap nax after the sex.

Prosecutor Gift Bikita said sometime in January this year, the accused approached the complainant and told her to come to his house after lunch hour. The complainant went to the accused’s house and found him alone and was asked to get into his room.

Munoendevhunyi went on to propose love to the complainant and told her he wanted to make her his second wife and she should go and think about it.

He gave the complainant a packet of loose biscuits.

The following day, the accused saw the complainant fetching water and invited her again to his house. The complainant got into his house and she was told to sit on the bed and she complied.

Munoendevhunyi told the complainant that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her and she said she was afraid of getting pregnant. The accused then sat next to the complainant and started fondling her breast, removed her pant and told her that he wanted to have sex with her and she agreed.

The accused had unprotected sex with the complainant who was in her uniform. After the intercourse, the accused told the complainant to go home and not to tell anyone.

He had sexual intercourse with the complainant on several occasions and he would give the complainant some biscuits and zap nax.

The matter came to light when the complainant’s young sister told her mother that the complainant was frequently visiting the accused’s house. She told her mother that she had sexual intercourse with the accused on several occasions and the mother reported the matter to the police. -Masvingo Mirror