Updated Today: Rumours have been spreading on twitter and other social media outlets suggesting that President Mugabe has passed away. This is very unlikely. Mugabe is alive. Death hoaxes have been following him for the past three years and we will break the story here if anything happens.

Other than social media rumours though, there is no other evidence Mugabe has died.

Last year, Mugabe was feared dead after he was  rushed to the Far East for unknown reasons.


In 2016 we reported the story below…


There are rumors saying that Zimbabwe’s President Robert Gabriel Mugabe has died.

Many Zimbabweans are treating the latest story as rumours, there is no clear official statement from his office to explain why he left Swaziland in a hurry.

After a Zimbabwean newspaper published a story outlining how Mugabe’s bad health and death will never be revealed to the nation until when a successor takes office, there is now loud whispering as people are now wondering if Mugabe is still alive.

Following reports that Mugabe’s plane diverted to Dubai due to his failing health, a family member has dismissed rumours that he suffered a brain haemorrhage.

It all started on Tuesday when the ailing president abandoned a regional summit in Swaziland midway and took a 30 minutes break before jetting off to Dubai amid reports his condition had worsened.

There is no word from state controlled media which only reported his journey to Swaziland but did not say anything about his unexpected trip to the far east.

Meanwhile a government source who spoke to our reporters on condition of anonymity has hinted that ‘the two weeks ban on any public protests in Harare’ was enforced “to save the image of the president as it would have looked bad for him  to runaway when there is crises in the country.”

Mugabe’s supporters have downplayed the death story insisting that Mugabe is on a private vacation.

Zanu PF youth Activist Energy Mutodi  said that Mugabe is still alive and  is actually in Singapore attending to private family business.

Presidential spokesman George Charamba has failed to shed light on the whereabouts of Mugabe.

“This is not new. It is year in, year out; he is sick, he dies and resurrects. His life until the age of 92 revolves around illness and death,” Charamba said.