Renowned world economist Prof. Stephen Hanke has lambasted state-run Chronicle newspaper for allegedly quoting him as saying that Zimbabwe is on the right track economically.

This follows a news report in the state run newspaper, (The Chronicle) in which it claimed that Hanke said the country’s economy is on the right track.

Hanke has been critical in discrediting ZIMSTATS figures saying the government has been downplaying inflation statistics in order to paint a good picture.

However, the newspaper report lambasted former Finance Minister, Tendai Biti, for highlighting that a lot need to be done to get Zimbabwe’s economy running again.

And, Hanke says it is true that Zimbabwe’s economy is in a mess, and that is in direct contrast to what was being attributed to him in Chronicle.

“Chronicle Zimbabwe has quoted me as saying “that [the Zanu-PF] Government is on the right path.

“This is one of the most astounding pieces of #FakeNews I have ever seen.

“Even in my wildest dreams, I have never thought Zim was on the “right path,” he says.

Meanwhile, the renowned economist says Zimbabwe’s inflation rate per year is at 426%.