Prominent opposition political leader Nelson Chamisa and his allies seemingly busy on the ground in a move to establish what they call a “citizens-centred” movement.

Yesterday the team flew a kite on what to expect when they painted their Bulawayo offices blue to test public reaction on what they are working on.

The hopeful public response to their work was “overwhelming”, according to Gift “Ostallos” Siziba, a close Chamisa political activist who says nothing has been decided on that yet, although a lot of groundwork is being done.

Few weeks ago, Siziba threw another hint on what to expect when he referred to Chamisa as the DAZ president.

Apparently, photos of their painting works dubbed “Blue Nation” by some, first published by new media platforms such as CITE and ZimLive in Bulawayo, went viral.

Apparently, on Tuesday Chamisa posted on his X handle saying every setback should be utilised for the better:

“Every stone thrown at you, turn it into a stepping stone to your place of destiny! Blessed Tuesday.”

Chamisa also posted a message of hope on Saturday, quoting a Bible verse:

“BE OF GOOD CHEER.. Jesus Christ declared, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.

“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 Blessed Sabbath.”
