By Promise Mkwananzi: Friends I have finally been granted bail in what was a totally unnecessary arrest, not to mention the overnight detention and the ridiculous charge.

We are not going to stop to fight for social justice, economic freedom and political emancipation using peaceful and non-violent methods. I know that ZANU PF will use the same old tactics to try to criminalize and delegitimize our struggle and our cause.

They will say we are looking for money, we are looking for relevance, we are looking for western allies, we are inciting public violence, we are committing treason etc.

All of this will not deter us now, or ever. It’s a standing resolve to fight and achieve the objectives we have set. We cannot sit as citizens and allow ZANU PF to behave in the way it is behaving.

We have to mobilise, organise and establish standing structures of agitation in every corner of country. We have to work with all groups (unemployed, vendors, students, youths, business, churches, rural, peri urban etc) and be democratic, consultative and inclusive in our approach, always driven and guided by our unbending loyalty and commitment to the democratic values and principles.

I personally believe that the illegal and illegitimate government of Emmerson Mnangagwa cannot and should be allowed to stand for more than two years.

But this requires a solid, dedicated, selfless, servant and grassroots-driven leadership. Our citizens must not allow themselves to be divided or intimidated by the minority.

We have to be steadfast, vigilant and forward moving. Thank you once again for your love, support and solidarity #Tajamuka