A dark cloud hung over the Rujeko suburb in Masvingo after a former teacher at Rujeko Primary School from the neighbourhood committed suicide by hanging in his house after allegedly complaining of stress to his daughter on August 14 2023.
Masvingo Provincial Police Spokesperson Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa confirmed the incident.
“We confirm the death of a Rujeko man who committed suicide by hanging at his homestead in Rujeko where he hanged himself on the roof beam,” said Dhewa.
It is alleged that on the fateful day, Taruvinga Bingwa (57) complained to his daughter Princess Bingwa that he was stressed before she left for work at around 0600 hours.
Princess called her pastor Brighton Chirindo to check on her father after she attempted to call him and he was not responding.
Chirindo went to check Taruvinga at his house where he found the now deceased hanging with a black electric cable on the roof beam and went to report the matter at Rujeko Police Station.
Taruvinga’s neighbours David Chigayo (48) and Musasa Chikwanda (43) also went to the deceased’s house and found him lying on the floor allegedly struggling to breathe.
The two rushed Taruvinga to Masvingo Provincial Hospital where he was pronounced dead upon admission and was taken to Masvingo Provincial Hospital mortuary.
Some sources close to the matter said Bingwa was buried on August 17, 2023.

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