Dear Editor

The 2023 election is fast approaching and apart from the presidential contest, all eyes will be on the Kwekwe Central seat currently occupied by Judith Tobaiwa of the Nelson Chamisa-led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Tobaiwa won the seat after Zanu PF dismissed preferred candidate, Kandros Mugabe and his rival Energy Dhala Ncube.

It is common knowledge that the seat could have simply been taken by the ruling party had Mugabe been given the chance to participate. By her own admission, Tobaiwa conceded that she was given the seat on a silver platter after the ruling party gave her an opportunity to face an unpopular candidate in the person of Jon Mapurazi.

Editor, everyone in Kwekwe knows that Mugabe, just like the late Kwekwe MP Masango Blackman Matambanadzo, has the support of the electorate owing to his philanthropic activities. Mugabe is only being sabotaged by a few Zanu PF rotten apples who are against his candidature.

These people know for sure that Mugabe has the support of the people and they’re only jealousy at him grabbing the seat. As Zanu PF supporters from the area, we are making a plea at President Emmerson Mnangagwa to be wary of elements bent on sabotaging the party’s fight for the projected 5 million votes by sabotaging the Zvipo ZveMweya church leader.

We are quite certain that there’s a cliche in Zanu PF that is fighting against Mugabe because they know that he has the potent of grabbing the seat as he has the support of the people.

These are the people who fought hard to make sure that Mugabe’s CV was dismissed at the eleventh hour during the run-up to the March 26 by-elections.

Now is the time to take the Kwekwe Central seat back to Zanu PF and sabotaging Kandros Mugabe is akin to sabotaging the ruling party and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Thank you Zwnews for publishing my letter and sending a message to party saboteurs who want to derail the five million votes for President Mnangagwa in the 2023 elections.

I rest my case.

G Magudze
