Zanu PF national political commissar Victor Matemadanda has taken a swipe at the opposition MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa to desist from shouldering the blame for its own problems at the ruling party.

Matemadanda made the remarks in Bulawayo over the weekend while addressing delegates during a provincial coordinating committee (PCC) meeting at Davies Hall in the second biggest city.

His remarks came in the aftermath of the party’s divisive primary elections held in the pursuit of coming up with candidates to represent Zanu PF in the forthcoming local government by-elections which arose after eight pro-Chamisa councillors from Bulawayo were recalled at the behest of a rival camp under MDC-T’s Thokozani Khupe.

“Whenever there are divisions in the opposition, they want to blame Zanu-PF. Even when they violate their own constitution, they want to blame Zanu-PF,” said Matemadanda in apparent reference to the MDC-A.

“When the Supreme Court says they violated their constitution, they want to blame Zanu-PF. So, you should not stop assisting the people thinking that there is going to be another party which will help them. All the people belong to Zanu-PF as you can see that other parties are failing on their own,” Matemadanda said.

Chamisa’s MDC-A is on record labelling Zanu PF the scapegoat for the internal strife which has seen Thokozani Khupe earning the constitutional recognition as the legitimate acting president of the opposition pending an extraordinary Congress slated for December.

The MDC-A has also accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF of capturing the country’s courts after the Supreme Court early this year ruled that Chamisa unconstitutionally ascended to the leadership of the opposition after the colon cancer induced demise of founding MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai in 2018.

The shock Supreme Court ruling in March this year was followed by a spate of recalls by the MDC-T targeting officials elected on the MDC-A ticket.

state media
additional reporting: Zwnews