Stanley Goreraza: ED is failing spectacularly. He seems not to realize that when the economy fails, he fails. Economic disaster means that he himself is a disaster, like he is turning out to be.

No fuel, prices galloping with living standards worsening.

ED pfee could easily turn in to ED-dhi, kudonha. Don’t expect people to tolerate your failures. They have every right to demand you leave office if you can’t do the job they entrusted you with.

We don’t look at Mthuli Ncube or Kirsty Coventry, we look at you Mr President. We judge you and we have every right to.

The allegiance and loyalty of patriots belongs to Zimbabwe and not any political party or individual. Patriots will tell you, you are screwing up and it has to be said loud and clear.
Zimbabwe doesn’t have troubles. Zimbabwe has crises but you have time to fly in and out of the country and attend useless rallies. You don’t appreciate the gravity of the crises in the country.

We begin to wonder if you have the first clue about running a country having done so for 38 years. You have apparently learned nothing. You are taking the people for granted and testing their patience.

Shape up or ship out!

stanley goreraza