Opportunity knocks but ONCE! Imagine this. You are working in your PJs, answering emails from your Barcalounger while sipping a mint margarita and making a good income. Doesn’t it sound like an opportunity that must be cashed immediately? It unquestionably is! Here are the top 7 reasons why you should adapt to this lifestyle today:

1. Be in charge of your schedule

One of the biggest perks of working from home is that you would be able to control your day. You can customize your hours however you want. Do you want a power nap in the middle of the day? Then go for it! After all, you will be a home business owner. If you can work for long hours at night, then schedule all-nighters and sleep hours for the day time. The goal is to stay productive whilst keeping in view your comfort. On the contrary, this freedom can bring a lot of distracting temptations and procrastinations. When it comes to working from home, you must take the bad with the good. Try to accept the opposing side and use it to your benefit. You can do this by observing yourself. Try scheduling important work immediately after you have had a good sleep. Keep less tiring work, such as checking emails for later hours. In this way, you will be done with the grunt work in your most productive and active hours. Your schedule must not be static. Keep modifying it until you hit the best timetable. If you have a piece of writing pending and you are procrastinating then try custom essay writing service. You can even get school or college-related help as this essay service will help you with all of the tasks.

2. No boss

If you are a person who does not like to be bossed around, then working from home is the best option for you. Think about it, you don’t have the pressure of getting up early and going to work on time. Being free of the pressure of working from 9-5 gives the freedom of working at your own pace. This means no more rushing through your work. You will have tons of energy that will help you buckle down and plough through the short-term goals that you have set for the week. However, if you lack self-discipline, then you might even struggle with being your boss. Try to visualize the entire situation and carefully evaluate yourself. Try to set achievable goals and take advice from fellow entrepreneurs. If you like working from home at night, then you are free to follow this schedule.

3. Avoid office drama

One of the benefits of working from home is that you can avoid the never-ending office drama. “You can’t choose your family”, this old saying is not only true about the relatives but for office co-workers too. When you work from home, you don’t have to chat for hours about coworker rivalry. Instead, you can be productive, focused and stay positive. Even if the gossiping part is taken out of the context, a crowded place can be very tiresome for introverts. You can skip on the company dinners where you force yourself to look interested when your co-worker talks about how he is going to fix a jacuzzi on the rooftop. By working from home, you will be choosing your team and co-workers. There will be less drama, as most of them will be like-minded entrepreneurs. Jacob Todd, who works at resumethatworks advises you to go through the resume produced through this service. This will help you to identify the best candidates when you are finalizing your team.


4. Cut on taxes

There are many reasons to work from home; however, the biggest perk is that you can gain tax advantages. You can write off the machinery, equipment, services, even your car and house. When operating from home, you can easily minus the expenses first and pay your taxes on the net income. It would be best if you bring a tax expert on board.

5. Control your income

Having a fear of not having a stable income is the reason why many people don’t even try to start their own business. It is a good reason to be reluctant because of lack of knowledge. However, entrepreneurs must have the trait of taking risks and going for an idea that is out of the box. So, the next time you ask yourself that “is working from home good”, you must have confidence in yourself. As if you escape from it, you will miss out on the countless benefits that this opportunity brings. You will be able to control your income. Whatever surplus you make will be yours. You can even increase your productivity and earn more. In days, when you are not up to the challenge, you can take some time off. In this way, you are in control of what you earn. Try to set realistic income goals. You can do it by setting your prices on the goods and services you provide.

6. Explore new growth opportunities

One problem that many employees face is that they are stuck in a rut. This means they are doing the same, monotonous tasks everyday which makes their work redundant and boring. They also miss out on many opportunities to grow and get better skills. These are good excuses to work from home. This will not be the case when you are running your own home business. You will be continually working on learning new skills and will try to score on every opportunity that you come across. For example, studying different marketing techniques about how to get the customer to engage with the business can help you increase customer engagement. By continually working to improve yourself as a business person as well as your business, the business growth will not remain stagnant but will be on the upwards trajectory.

7. Follow your passion

This is the main reason why people work from home. They can make money doing something they love. Same can be the case for you. You can turn your hobby into a business. Working from home allows you to enjoy whatever you do the best. You can earn dollars by writing for Essay Zoo or by tutoring English.


Working from home will require an initial investment in terms of skills, knowledge, tangible and intangible capital. However, In the long run, there will be countless growth opportunities, and nothing will be there to hold you back. You will be holding your office dinners, and yes, nobody will be talking about installing a Jacuzzi!