Security guards open fire on 30 gold miners, injure 4 illegal panners

Security guards open fire on 30 gold miners, injure 4 illegal panners

Four illegal gold panners were yesterday shot and seriously injured by security guards at Acturus Mine who were trying to scare them off.

The shooting incident occurred at around on Sunday when about 30 gold panners illegally operating at Goromonzi RDC offices compound in Acturus were approached by five armed security guards belonging to Braising Security, a security company contracted to provide security at Acturus Mine.

It is not clear what exactly happened leading to the guards opening fire on the illegal panners, seriously injuring four who have since been taken to Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare for treatment.

ZRP Mashonaland East Provincial Spokesperson, Inspector Tendai Mwanza confirmed the incident and said police are still making investigations to establish what actually transpired. state media