Samson Muchirahondo

Outspoken Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has been caught in the eye of a storm amid allegations of infecting an A level pupil with STI.

The avid social media MP is said to have been involved in the act sometime in 2013 and the matter went under the bridge after serious negotiations with the affected party.

The sx starved Mliswa seem to have now been embroiled in a fresh scandal after a woman went on social media threatening to expose him of two incidents of infecting several other woman with STI.

“A person who knowingly infects another person with an STI/HIV nauseates me. @Temba Mliswa we are still dealing neNyaya yako yekupa vana utachiona l sat down newe in 2013 and begged u. Hauteereri. This time l am exposing you. Euginia will not die because of you,” said a person only identfied as Mai Tindo using twitter handle @Tindomai

The post has been received with mixed feelings with some suspecting foul play from the woman saying she was taking people for a ride after having covered up for the issue for close to a decade now.

“You begged him for what. For him to accept? For him to pay you? Why did you let him go for 5 years spreading hutachiona dear only to expose him now. Sad though now,” said a twitter handle @Matongo.8

Mliswa was not innediately available for a comment to answer the allegations.