Slain Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist Moreblessing Ali’s mutilated remains are set for burial at a cemetery in Mabvuku, Harare this Wednesday amid fresh squabbles among family members over the decision.

Ali made headlines June this year after she was gruesomely murdered in Nyatsime, outside Chitungwiza, by suspects with links to Zanu PF.

Her remains have remained at Parirenyatwa Hospital amid a lot of uncertainty over her final burial.

But fresh controversy has brewed with a family faction said to have seized the remains from the mortuary without her children knowing and taken them to the burial site.

Her children are said to have been informed of the burial some nine hours before her interment.

“We are not okay, some people including family members from our mother’s side came yesterday around 10 pm to tell us that mama will be buried tomorrow as early as 7am,” Nyasha Ali, daughter to slain activist, told ZimLive Wednesday.

“We didn’t even know where the remains of our mother were; someone just tipped us that they had been removed from Parirenyatwa Hospital on Monday.

“This is not right because she is our mother; we have a right to be part of the burial planning.”

A relative who lives in Mbare, Harare and another based in Botswana are behind the controversial burial proceedings, according to family sources who claim some relatives are working with state agents.

“They took the body and we don’t know where the body was since Monday; we are not even sure if it’s the body of our mother and they just added that we will do paperwork as early as possible,” she said.

Ali, who was 46, was leaving a bar at Chibhanguza Shopping Centre in the Nyatsime area of Chitungwiza on May 24 this year when she was abducted allegedly by one Pius Jamba.

Her decomposing body was found dumped at a homestead belonging to the suspect’s mother at Dunnoter farm in Beatrice.

Ali’s alleged killer was arrested on 16 June after a three-week search and a concerted appeal for her return.

Job Sikhala, an attorney of the Ali family, at that time said Ali’s burial will be held when the suspected killers are prosecuted. -ZimLive