Police in Harare reportedly besieged on a prayer meeting that was being conducted by a one Bishop Magaya, the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights have said.

Representing Bishop Magaya, the ZLHR vaguely tweeted:

Bishop Magaya is under siege! We are attending to a distress call as police has disrupted a prayer meeting. Several participants have been force marched ordered into police & taken to Central. Our litigation lawyers are attending.”

Here are some of the responses by internet users to the tweet:

So Bishop Magaya spoke at Alex’s memorial last night and today his being hounded, what kind of nonsense is this?– @OMazilankatha

he turned the memorial into a rally started speaking about political atmosphere and all that– @chipfeko

That’s not what I heard when I listened to him and others speak, besides is he not allowed by the constitution to freely express his views political or otherwise?– @OMazilankatha

Dear @ZLHRLawyers as lawyers you should know better that you must provide full information on a person, simply saying Bishop Magaya is not enough.Who will understand if someone says bishop Muduri has been arrested.Which Magaya are u referring to?– @Gonzomuduri

uya anonzi Prophet Magaya hanamatire nyika anotora mari munyika chete– @BrethrenTaku

He has always been referred as Bishop Magaya in the civic society sector since 2008! If you dont know him as that then Ancellimo the first name will even confuse you further!– @macht41422467

They’re now writing like H-Metro now– @realbuffallo
