Repairs at the Mbembesi River Bridge which was recently damaged by the rains have started.

The heavy rains which have been experienced in the past weeks in parts of Matabeleland South Province and countrywide had undercut Mbembesi River bridge making it dangerous to humans and vehicles passing through it.

This saw the bridge being closed after a section of water stoppage rocks at the bridge were swept away.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Nick Mangwana has that the repairs have began.

“Repairs are currently underway at Mbembesi River Bridge.

“The closed lane is expected to be open to the motoring public sometime next week,” he says.

The bridge was built in thick pillar designs with one of the pillars that is at the river located at the side of Mbembesi Growth Point in West Nicholson having been damaged due to incessant rains.

Meanwhile, it is not the only public infrastructure to be damaged, the Beitbridge-Bulawayo highway was also not spared as it is now filled with alarming potholes.
