Rangers from the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) have captured a stray leopard that had wreaked havoc in Hotel village- Nyamakate, Hurungwe North.

The cat which was captured today had killed several goats and poultry in the area.

Cases of human wildlife conflict are common in Zimbabwe and is usually caused by wild animals that stray to human settlements in search of food and water especially during drought seasons.

During the dry season, animals do not normally have food in the national parks and they stray from the protected areas into the communities and human beings try to chase them away and the conflict starts,” ZimParks spokesperson Tinashe Farawo once said.

He is on record saying these conflicts are rampant in areas that are close to national parks such as Save Conservancy, Gonarezhou, Hwange and Mana Pools National Parks.

He said what is also contributing to the increase of human wildlife conflicts is due to the overpopulation of wild animals.

“We need to identify areas that are not overpopulated and move those that are overpopulated and causing problems in certain areas,” Farawo said then.

Farawo said the increase in human wildlife conflicts is mainly being caused by loss of habitats such as clearing of the forests, population increase and vandalism of the game reserve perimeter fence.
