Samson Muchirahondo

Mayhem best describes the situation that transpired in Kadoma where a family escaped death by a whisker after one of its members, a drunk kombi driver, rammed into their house.

The incident occurred in Ingezi Suburb where business in the high density suburb almost came to a standstill for about two hours as family members exchanged fists.

Mr Takudzwa Hove said only God’s mercy could have saved the family.

“The family only have God to thank for the incident as no one was injured. I attended the scene and heard the family members saying there was someone asleep in the room when the accident occurred.

“Luckily they had changed furniture set up two weeks ago, had it not been that a life would have been lost since the driver rammed at the exact position the bed was once placed,” said Mr Hove.

A neighbour who pleaded for anonymity said a fight ensued after a misunderstanding over plans to renovate the damaged house.

“The fight started while the mother, sister and a brother to the drunk driver were negotiating on plans to renovate the rammed house.

“The drunkard then poked his irate brother who then pushed him resulting in the fight which left both injured,” said the neighbour.

The neighbour added that the fight was ceased following neighbours intervention. zwnews