Harare City Council is in panic mode over the state of raw water in Lake Chivero, via their facebook page the city fathers have captioned pictures of green water at the lake with a plea for government to declare the situation as an emergency. The city fathers wrote:
Dear Harare Residents
This is the present state of raw water in Lake Chivero. Council recently said the water situation in Harare should be declared an emergency issue so that we can marshal resources for the construction of new water sources such as the long awaited Kunzvi, Musami and Mazowe Dams. Heavy pollution and farming activities are contributing to the curent state. Artisinal gold mining on Kintyre Estate is also aiding in pollution. Council now requires upto 11 chemicals to treat the water to satisfactory levels. The bill in RTGs is now in the region of $20 million per month depending on the obtaining interbank rate.