Norton independent Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa says people close to President Emmerson Mnangagwa are leading him astray and will ditch him when he gets in trouble.

“Most of the people who are surrounding the President now & leading him astray are actually upstarts who were not there before 2004 when it was dangerous.

“At that time they were people like Daniel Shumba, Jonathan Moyo, Jacob Mudenda, Jabulani Sibanda, Callistus Ndlovu, not anaMudha (CIO boss Owen Ncube).

Mliswa says President Mnangagwa should change his security team if it is failing to tell him the truth on what people are saying about his rule.

“People have reached the stage where they are saying Mugabe was better. This was unthinkable a little time ago. They had high expectations.

“If the President has not been told this by his security team then he should change it because its not doing him a favour,” he says.

Mliswa warns Mnangagwa to be careful with those close to him who will eventually ditch him when he gets in trouble.

“They will leave you going the wrong way. Running a country is simple, listen to everybody and draw a conclusion.

“These liars around you, hiding the truth will ditch you at the slightest whim. We don’t need another recurrence of what happened with Mugabe,” he says.

Mliswa says his support for the new dispensation dates back to its acquisition of power and was premised on the realisation of national goals.

However, he says it’s painful to see a few people defeating the whole idea by misleading ED.
