Norton independent Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa says there must be enforcement by the relevant authorities of recommendations made by parliament on forensic reports and audits on parastatals for any meaningful progress to be realised.

Mliswa says a lot of investigations have been made by parliament, when they grill and probe parastatals, but the law enforcement agencies are letting parliament down by not following up.

He says while many don’t understand the role of Parliament, almost half the work in combating corruption has already been conducted for the relevant law enforcement agencies when people appear before Parly Committees under oath.

“Follow up investigations must be conducted as recommendations aren’t being implemented.

“We are a long way off the mark when it comes to transparency and accountability. It’s good that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) recommended that the recommendations of the 8th going into the 9th sitting must be revisited. We must be serious,” he says.

He adds that Public Accountants And Auditors Board and the Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust will be offering services supporting Parly to push for recommendations to be implemented, adding that this is good news.

“We need such players to galvanise our efforts as so much work and effort are put in by Parly Committees and it’s demotivating when it come to nought.

“If you look at all the work put in by the Mines and Energy Committee of the 8th sitting, multitudes of information was unearthed so there’s no need to look for further evidence; it’s all there. Laws exist, we just lack enforcement,” he says.
