Principal Estate Officer in the Harare Town Clerk’s department, Peter Dube says over 80 council properties were handed over to Rufaro Marketing, a private company wholly owned by Harare City Council.


Dube further submits that he is not aware if the Rufaro Marketing Board still reports to Council or not.


Dube while testifying before the Commission, revealed that the City Council’s properties register is maintained manually on an Excel sheet.


Rufaro Marketing is a business unit under HCC which runs all council bars as well as other properties in the capital.


In January last year, Rufaro Marketing chief executive officer Daniel Mutiwadirwa was suspended for allegedly failing to produce lease agreements of tenants occupying council assets.


President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently set up the Commission to look into governance concerns within the Harare City Council.


The probe team will investigate council books since 2017.


The commission, established through Statutory Instrument 91 of 2024 and Proclamation 2 of 2024, will be chaired by retired judge Maphios Cheda.


Notably, the commission includes opposition figure Lucia Matibenga, who previously served as Minister of Public Service during the Government of National Unity under the late Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.


In a statement released by the presidency at the time, the terms of reference for the commission are outlined, focusing on various aspects of the council’s governance and financial management since 2017.


These include investigating compliance with financial management laws, examining revenue generation mechanisms, and scrutinizing property management and procurement processes.


The inquiry, set to last for six months initially with a possible extension of three months, will be led by a team of commissioners appointed by President Mnangagwa.


Among them are Steven Chakaipa, Norbert Phiri, Lucia Gladys Matibenga, and Khonzani Ncube.


The commission was granted extensive powers to summon witnesses, gather evidence, and conduct thorough investigations into all relevant matters concerning the Harare City Council’s governance.


It will submit its findings and recommendations to President Mnangagwa within three months of completing the inquiry.

