Detained Harare bouncers who are expected to appear in court today for bail application on attempted murder charges have been slapped with fresh charges of assault and public violence.

Numerous victims have come forward to file complaints against bouncers who are currently in custody pending bail hearing.

Zimbabwe Republic Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed this in an interview.

“We can confirm that Gideon Sanyangore and Blessing Kumunda are now facing fresh charges of assault. There are some complainants who filed papers to the effect that they were assaulted by these bouncers,” said Assistant Commissioner Nyathi.

According to police, the latest document which contains details of fresh charges is being handled by Highfield Police Station.

Police have called on all citizens who might have complaints against the bouncers to come forward and report.

“We are appealing to citizens who might have been assaulted by Sanyangore and Kumunda to come forward so that the law can take its course. In the alleged in the video which circulated we saw a man being splashed with something like water or alcohol, we say come and report, this is the best time.”

The duo was arrested following a public outcry after they were seen in a short clip video which went viral assaulting other patrons and threatening to stab Wilson Kaminyu and Munyaradzi Runganga who are private security guards at Pabloz Night Club in Harare on December 26, last year.

state media