An Indian investor is reportedly set to open a new world class hotel in the small Midlands town of Redcliff, southern Zimbabwe.

According to impeccable sources privy to the latest development, the Indian investors have already contracted some Chinese construction company to begin work on the new site which is located at Redcliff Turn Off along the Harare-Bulawayo highway, ten kilometers from Kwekwe central business district.

The coming in of the new hotel is expected to add up to investments by the Indian community which already boasts of the Steelmakers (Pvt) Limited conglomerate in the town.

Presently, the dormitory town of Redcliff only has one hotel- Redcliff Hotel- and the construction of the new hotel is expected to create employment opportunities for urbanites in Redcliff, Kwekwe and other surrounding environs.

During the time of publishing, clearance work at the site which is located opposite Rockodox Service Station had already begun and construction of the world-class hospitality facility is expected to commence anytime soon.
