Villager who arranged CCC beatings arrested

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police has arrested one suspect in connection with the Murehwa violence, and investigations are underway to apprehend other suspects connected to the case which occurred last week.

Never Chimutashu(67) was arrested by the police as investigations into the Murehwa violence intensify.

Zimbabwe Republic Police Spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the development saying investigations are still underway.

“Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of one suspect in the Murehwa North Violence incident, the suspect is Never Chimutashu who is expected to appear in court in due course. The ZRP is still conducting investigations with a view of accounting for other suspects in this case,” he said.

Meanwhile, progressive Zimbabweans have condemned the Murehwa violent acts, urging police to bring the culprits to book, saying violence has no place in the country.

Alleged full list of Murehwa violence perpetrators leaked.