Exiled former Zanu PF cabinet minister and independent presidential candidate, Saviour Kasukuwere, has said that he does not consider main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party leader Nelson Chamisa as an adversary but a partner and colleague in the struggle for a better Zimbabwe.


Kasukuwere, who recently revealed that ex-Tourism and Hospitality Industry minister Walter Mzembi is his running mate in the presidential race for Harmonized Elections slated for 23 August, 2023, made the remarks on Twitter.

“Our promise to Zimbabwe. We will never regard Nelson Chamisa as an adversary in this campaign,” he posted.

“Rather we see all progressive forces as partners and colleagues in the just struggle for a better Zimbabwe. We shall work to create an environment for Zimbabweans to find each other,” added Kasukuwere.

According to the former cabinet minister who fled the country after late former president Robert Mugabe was overthrown in a military coup that propelled current leader Emmerson Mnangagwa to the presidency, also added saying, “our role as leaders is not to divide the people”.

“We are committed to harnessing our collective strengths for the development of the motherland. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Choose the UNIFIER”.

Below, we publish some of the responses to Kasukuwere’s post.

Read on:

I agree with you on working together.– Son of Sadaar

Working together, mozoita after election results. Let every man run his race without impediment. Besides, you are not the incumbent,how can you decide the environment in which NC will campaign when you haven’t even shown your face on the ground?– TBlessed

Whatever lessons you have learnt, only you would know. I remember during GNU, you were known for your hardline stance again MRT. You even refused to attend cabinet meetings that he chaired. You will need to forgive those with long memories for not forgetting.– Vakuru

With your history, wouldn’t trust that is sencire. President Chamisa is not a difficult man. He will forgive, he won’t forget. Knowing he’s the incoming President, I’m sure he will give you a chance. He also wants to close chapters you chronicled in the history of Zimbabwe– Baa Maa

Unozvikwidza ndege yema shanga what has changed between Morgan and Chamisa, iwe ndiwe wakashungurudza Save when he was PM you failed to even attend even 1 meeting of the council of ministers he was chairing on Thursday uchiti heee there is one appointing authority– Noel Mwendamberi

If this is true. Nice.– illmind

My 21 gun salute president kasukuwere. Take over zanu and rebuild it in a 21st movement that’s capable of modenising zimbabwe together with other progressive champions like Nelson Chamisa even those on the leach of mnangarwa– EMutasa

Question when you built your hotel home you had the ppl of Zimbabwe in mind ? Now you want us to believe you care ppl are sick and tired of this politics coz no one cares whether kids are eating 3 meals going to school etc it’s all about yourselves ie zanu way that’s why chamisa– Belinda Karemba

We want you arrested for your part in ZANUPF violence.nxaaa– #ZimbabweLivesMatter

You had your time and you misused it for your personal benefit – the house that u a now staying in dreams. How you cheated our people in Caledonia on stands- if I was you I would come back and face the music . People might give u positive vibes kuti uuye unyatsobata sure– miri

This is absolutely nonsense the same thing Emmason said when he want to get into power .we are tired with you guys from Zanu– Witness Tande

I am happy now,as long as yu consider the annointed one as a key player in our struggle for a better Zimbabwe then we are good to go! Keep it up– Dean Fish

You were supposed to cultivate such mindset when you were in @ZANUPF_Official. If you and your hoodlums had agreed that @ZANUPF_Officiallost to Morgan Tsvangirai in 2008 we wouldn’t be where we are today. Instead you focussed on bequeathing wealth for yourself and your family.– General Mpofu

