MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has said the opposition party is ready to rise up and confront head-on his 2018 electoral rival President Emmerson Mnangagwa and House of Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda, accusing the two of criminally conniving to expel legislators aligned to him.

Since the shock March 31 Supreme Court ruling which nullified Chamisa’s presidency of the main opposition and declared his MDC-T rival Thokozani Khupe the legitimate interim leader pending an extraordinary Congress to choose the substantive leader of the party, 13 MDC Alliance MPs have been dismissed from Parliament.

And now, the MDC-A quadragenarian who controversially lost to Mnangagwa in a disputed 2018 presidential contest, has literally declared war on the parliamentary purges bedevilling his beleaguered political establishment.

“(We) will fight criminal connivance (and) corruption by Mudenda and (Mnangagwa),” said Chamisa in remarks posted on his official Twitter handle Wednesday afternoon.

He said the systematic purges targeting his MPs were unlawful and akin to forcing them to belong to a party whose candidates it faced and defeated in the last elections.

As a result, Chamisa declared that ‘five fights’ are now underway.

“MDC ALLIANCE MPs can’t be forced to belong to the MDCT they defeated in 2018. We resist the illegal (and) unlawful recalls. 5 Fights on!- A legitimate PEOPLE’S GVT, REFORMS, LIVELIHOODS (and) RIGHTS,” he said while signing off with the hashtag, #corruptioniskillingus.

The Khupe camp recently assumed control of Harvest House, the citadel of oppositional politics located in central Harare with the assistance of armed security forces.

But in his reaction to the eviction from Harvest House, now Morgan Tsvangirai House, Chamisa recently said his main target was, instead, the coveted State House.

“My focus is not on the Harvest House, that one belongs to the people. My dispute is at the State House. We must be talking about who should be occupying the State House,” said Chamisa recently.
