Apparently unperturbed by the humiliating fashion typifying his recent dismissal from the ruling Zanu PF, former Chivi South MP Killer Zivhu Wednesday donated a total of 100 000 sanitary pads that he gave to the party’s candidate in impending by-elections, for distribution in the constituency.

The controversial businessman who was booted out of Zanu PF and consequently lost his seat in parliament, also pledged support for the party’s candidate in the forthcoming by-elections to come up with his replacement.

Zivhu said Zanu PF must retain the Chivi South seat at all costs.

“I have put aside 100 000 pads kuzopa my successor in Chivi South. Program haifaniri kumira, Zanu PF will return the seat (sic). I will do my best for the party I love so much to win (sic),” he said in a tweet accompanied by a video footage.


The former Chivi South MP was dismissed from the party amid allegations that he made attempts at organising a meeting between First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa and opposition MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa’s wife, Sithokozile.

file… Nelson Chamisa and wife, Sithokhozile

He, in turn, labels senior party official and ex-cabinet minister Obert Mpofu who he calls ‘the most powerful Politburo member’, as the scapegoat for his political woes.

“My effort to recover 1.5 million USD from the most powerful Politburo member yandidzingisa (got me fired). I reported him to Zacc and I was about to give them evidence. The Chamisa story is just a cooked one,” Zivhu said.
