Citizens Coalition for Change CCC president Nelson Chamisa says the country’s National Budget should come from Parliamentarians who are the representatives of the citizens and not from the Ministry of Finance.

He says there is a need to reform the budgetary process, so that the budget comes from parliament and not from ministry of Finance: “The budget must come from the Citizens -a Citizens-centered budget.”

Chamisa says the recent mid-term budget review has confirmed that Zimbabwe is in a serious leadership crisis and citizens are exposed to extreme poverty and suffering.

He called for holistic tax reform, reduction of the tax burden on citizens and the business in general, adding that his administration will remove the 2% tax and streamline taxes.

“Remove distortions esp in the agricultural sector and construction sectors which has created a casino economy,” he added.

He has since called on the country’s monetary authorities to dollarise and stop market distortions.

He says the following measures must be done immediately a)Dollarisation which will immediately eliminate distortions, forward pricing and multiple pricing;

b) Restoration of the US$540 as a starting salary;

c)Holistic tax reform. Reduce the tax burden on citizens and the business in general. As part of the tax reforms, we will remove the 2% tax and streamline taxes;

d)Remove distortions esp in the agricultural sector and construction sectors which has created a casino economy.

e)The elimination of the Currency Auction and reforming the RBZ through limiting the power of the central bank. Separating the roles of central banking and financial services supervision.

f)Radically dealing with the corruption pandemic and instituting special mechanisms to eliminate and punish the corrupt.