Norton legislator Temba Mliswa has named Christopher Mutsvangwa’s son Neville as one of the main actors in the country’s illegal forex dealing ‘cartel’.

This follows Mliswa’s rant against Neville’s father, Chris Mutsvangwa, after the latter alleged that he was being sponsored by the shadowy Queen B who is believed to be the boss of the illegal forex dealing cartel in Zimbabwe.

Mutsvangwa also claimed Queen B funded Mliswa’s election campaign and ensured his victory.

But Mliswa decided to fight fire with fire and revealed that Mutsvanga is not clean enough to lecture him on morality when his own son is also corrupt and as dirty as Queen B.

“I think it’s really time Mutsvangwa got a life! He’s been a failure in every post he’s had; DG of ZBC, Ambo in China, Chair for MMCZ, MP, War Vets, Advisor to H. E.etc. I guess he was either inebriated/hungover when he made his sensational claims?Now he’s just seeking relevance

“Mutsvangwa should be careful that in his bid to seek relevance he doesn’t seal his final downfall. Why doesn’t he tell us why his son Neville was named in the list as one of the largest forex dealers?” Mliswa said.