An unidentified Chinese woman from Mutare who recently returned from China died after experiencing severe breathing problems.

The woman is said to have presented herself to her doctor complaining that she was having problems with breathing.

She was referred to Wilkins Hospital for Coronavirus (Covid-19) tests but she died on the way. A government post mortem test revealed that she was negative of Coronavirus (covid-19).

This announcement was made by the Ministry Of Information amid fears that the virus could already be silently killing people in the country.

Said the Ministry of Information on Twitter:

A Mutare woman who returned from China on 24 January, presented to her GP on 6 March complaining of shortness of breath. She was referred to Wilkins Hospital for COVID-19 tests but died on the way.Subsequent tests at Wilkins indicated negative for Coronavirus.

Zimbabwe is one of many African countries without capacity to identify and treat CoronaVirus.

Many fear the woman might have spread Coronavirus to many unsuspecting Zimbabweans.