Legendary Zimbabwean actress, who featured in the yesteryears hit drama Mukadota, Susan Chenjerai who played the role of Mai Rwizi made waves on social media yesterday after #thisflag Pastor Evan Mawarire shared a picture of himself standing with her.

In the picture Mawarire also announced Mai Rwizi’s new career saying she was now a full-time pastor.

The post reads, “Met a most amazing Zimbabwean legend, Susan Chenjerai a.k.a Mai Rwizi from the 1980’s sitcom Mukadota. She’s been a pastor for years now. Such a gentle soul. She comes from a generation of trailblazers who pioneered great things in our nation #GreatZimbabweans.”

Mukadota’s drama avid followers were quick to be reignited of her heroics, with many showering her praises on Mawarire’s twitter account.

One of the fans posted using twitter handle @glenmpani.

“Wish we could celebrate these legends when they are still alive – we missed an opportunity with Safirio Madzikatire and Ambuya Mlambo.”

Another fan Mrs Mary Mavengere (@mary_mavengere) said, ” Aaaw my Rwizi, what a legend. I still find myself laughing when I replay some of their episodes of Mukadota in my mind kkkk. The entire crew on the Mukadota series was lit, they had this amazing ability to captivate and entertain us. Bless her soul.”