The military takeover comes two days after the army chief – flanked by other senior officers – warned he was prepared to “step in” to end turmoil in the ruling Zanu-PF party.

It is likely to signal the departure from power of the world’s oldest leader within days, weeks or at most months.
One high-profile opposition leader said there was “a lot of talking going on” with the army reaching out to them to discuss the formation of a transitional government after Mugabe steps down.
Negotiations had been ongoing for several months with “certain people within the army”, a second senior opposition official said.

The official said Mugabe would resign later this week and be replaced by Mnangagwa, with opposition leaders taking posts as vice-president and prime minister.

There was no independent confirmation of his claim.

Zimbabwe’s fragmented opposition has not publicly condemned the military move. Nelson Chamisa, the deputy head of the opposition MDC party, called for “peace, constitutionalism, democratisation, the rule of law and the sanctity of human life”.
Tendai Biti, an opposition leader, called for a “roadmap back to legitimacy”.
“What is key is that a traditional authority is set up which is inclusive with the opposition and the ruling party … We need a dialogue too with [regional organisations], the African Union and the United Nations. We can’t solve this problem on our own,” Biti said.

For months, Zimnewsnet has been running stories on how Mnangagwa was being prepared by China, South Africa and United Kingdom to take over as transitional president with Morgan Tsvangirai and Constantino Chiwenga as his deputies.

Few days ago this looked unreal but today it’s a possibility.

Back with a bang ED Mnangagwa


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