Seed Potato Co-op (Pvt) Ltd  has taken former President Robert Mugabe’s family business, Gushungo Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, to court seeking to recover over $174 000 it was owed for potato seed supplied on credit in 2015.

In summons filed at the High Court, the seed company accused Gushungo Holdings of failing to abide by the terms of their verbal payment plan made in July 2015 following delivery of the seed.

“In July 2015, the parties (Seed Potato and Gushungo Holdings) entered into a verbal agreement in terms of which plaintiff (Seed Potato) was to supply to defendant (Gushungo Holdings), stock of potato seed on credit at a unit cost of $30 per pocket,” the firm said in its declaration.

Mugabe’s firm has not yet entered an appearance to defend, but had been given 10 days within which to respond to the litigation. news day