New Cabinet: Chiwenga, Mohadi, Mutsvangwa, Parirenyatwa, Chinamasa, Obert Mpofu lose, Oppah Muchinguri rises

Notable Zanu PF heavy weights who made the core of former President Robert Mugabe’s so called deadwood were dumbed today as Mnangagwa announced a fresh Cabinet without Former Ministers like David Parirenyatwa,  Constantino Chiwenga, Kembo Mohadi, Obert Mpofu, Patrick Chinamasa(aka Mr Bin), Chris Mutsvangwa and Simbarashe Mumbengegwi.

Here is Mnangagwa’s new Cabinet lineup….

1.Minister of Finance – Prof Mthuli Ncube

2. Minister of Sport – Kirsty Coventry

3. Minister of Justice – Ziyambi Ziyambi

4. Minister of ICT – Kazembe Kazembe

5. Minister of Energy – Jorum Gumbo

6. Minister of Foreign Affairs – Sibusiso Moyo

7. Minister of Information – Monica Mutsvangwa

8. Minister of Primary and Secondary Education – Prof Paul Mavhima

9. Minister of Mines – Winston Chitando

10. Minister of Home Affairs – Cain Mathema

11. Minister of Defence – Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri

12. Minister of Health – Dr. Obbadiah Moyo

13. Minister of Tourism – Prisca Mupfumira

14. Minister of Lands and Agriculture – Perrence Shiri

15. Minister of Transport – Joel Biggie Matiza

16. Minister of Industry – Mangaliso Ndlovu

17. Minister of Local Government – July Moyo

18. Minister of SMEs – Sithembiso Nyoni

19. Minister of Public Service – Sekai Nzenza

20. Higher and Tertiary Education – Prof Amon Murwira
