The Meteorological Services Department of Zimbabwe (MSDZ), in conjunction with the Civil Protection Unit, has released the weather report and forecast for Zimbabwe which is valid from 08-10 August 2023.

MSDZ noted that on Tuesday, 08 August 2023, the early morning conditions were cloudy and cold in the Eastern Highlands, transitioning to mostly sunny and warm afternoon conditions.

The rest of the country experienced cold temperatures initially, with clear skies and slight ground frost in southern areas such as Chipinge, West Nicholson, and Matopos.

The atmosphere is drying from the south, while the airflow gradually attains moisture from the southeastern coast of Southern Africa.

Today, Wednesday, 09 August 2023, predominantly clear skies are expected in the morning, accompanied by very cold conditions, particularly in regions along and south of the Highveld.

Areas such as West Nicholson, Kezi, Matopos, Masvingo, Buffalo Range, Lupane, and Gweru may experience ground frost.

Daytime temperatures will become warm but turn cold and windy towards the evening, primarily felt in Matebeleland South, Masvingo, southern districts of Midlands, and the southern parts of Manicaland as clouds progressively filter in from the southeast.

Plants and animals are sensitive to overnight temperature declines.
Ground frost can damage crops from within (intra-cellular frost).

Cold and windy conditions may affect the health of vulnerable individuals, triggering respiratory-related illnesses such as colds, flu, hay fever, and asthma.
Windy conditions increase the risk of runaway veld fires, as dry vegetation serves as fuel.

Light rain and drizzle may impact certain outdoor activities.

Employ frost mitigation measures to minimize the risk of frost damage to crops.

Monitor temperatures within fowl runs and adjust accordingly to reduce the impact of cold conditions on the bird population.

As we enter the high fire-danger season, it is crucial for all members of society, especially farmers, to construct fire guards at least 9 meters wide to protect their property.

Uncontrolled outdoor fires are punishable offences, so caution is necessary even when starting “controlled” fires to safeguard property and lives.

On Thursday, 10 August 2023, cloudy, windy, and cold conditions are expected in Matabeleland South, Masvingo, southern parts of Midlands, Manicaland, and Mashonaland East Provinces, with drizzle in some areas. All other provinces should experience mostly sunny and warm weather during the day, transitioning to windy and cold conditions overnight.