Zanu PF Midlands Province fired Emmerson Mnangagwa and Team Lacoste’s most notable and powerful supporters from Midlands few days ago.

“While this looks like a death blow to the powerful VP, it does nothing to weaken his support from security forces and Zanu PF storm troopers(the youths and war vets), ” according to a source who requested anonymity.

“It is well known within all factions that Mnangagwa and Mugabe’s father and son relationship is still very strong. As a result he will never be fired, even though all his perceived supporters will find themselves out in the cold for insubordination and blasphemy,” says the source.

The G40 has been attacking Mnangagwa supporters from all angles. Few days ago, his stronghold of Midlands suffered a second round of expulsion which claimed the political lives of seasoned and fearless Team Lacoste top dogs like July Moyo, Justice Mayor Wadyajena, Owen Muda Ncube, Victor Matemadanda and Goodwills Shiri among many others.

According to the source,  Mnangagwa is now a lonely figure in Zanu PF boardroom, when the voting is done at Congress, he will have no one to support his name. It also means that G40 will from now onward be the majority faction as far as Zanu PF leadership and elections are concerned.

How Mnangagwa will utilize his special relationship with Mugabe and the support of war vets, security forces and the youths to his advantage is anyone’s guess.

For now his strategic supporters are gone, he is not as weak as what people are made to believe, G40 is looking very strong and the battle will continue until there is a clear winner and a clear loser!