General (Retired) Dr Constantino G. D. N. Chiwenga and Colonel (Retired) Kembo C. D. Mohadi have been sworn in as the country’s two Vice Presidents. The two took their Oath of Office at State House before Chief Justice Luke Malaba.

Mnangagwa successor question

Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa is currently serving his second and final five-year term, which is set to end in 2028.

According to the constitution, this term should be his last.

However, a faction of Zanu PF supporters has already begun advocating for a constitutional change that would allow him to seek a third term—an idea to which he seems somewhat open.

In July, during a gathering of a Christian sect that supports him, Mnangagwa made a statement implying that continuous rule could be achieved through prayers at church.

This remark reinforced the perception that the transformation he promised when he assumed office from the long-standing authoritarian leader Robert Mugabe six years ago has not materialized.

Sections of the ruling ZANU-PF party, including the youth and women’s wings, have also called for a constitutional amendment to extend his rule beyond the prescribed two terms.

This situation represents a significant shift for the 80-year-old leader.

As was evident during Mugabe’s final days, the issue of Zanu PF succession is not straightforward.

While many in military circles expect Chiwenga to take over, it remains to be seen who will ultimately assume a leading role after Mnangagwa.

Mohadi is apparently too compromised by sex scandals, making him an unlikely candidate to succeed Mnangagwa.

There is a possibility that another unknown force, with the support of Mnangagwa, could take power ahead of Chiwenga and Mohadi.

The issue of succession will become more heated as we approach 2028. Whether it’s Chiwenga, Mohadi, someone else, or Mnangagwa himself who will stand to lead from 2028 onwards, it is as unpredictable as it was during Mugabe’s final days.