President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is set to meet Southern African Development Community (SADC) ambassadors this afternoon.

The meeting is set for State House at 14:30 hours. The meeting takes place at the time the country is expected to receive a delegation from the regional body.

SADC leaders recently resolved to send a delegation to Zimbabwe in an attempt to solve political impasse.

However, some reports suggest that the Harare administration is not interested in having a SADC delegation.

As noted by former cabinet minister Walter Mzembi who says simply by not guaranteeing the delegation safety on landing is one such critical move to stop the envoy from coming to Zimbabwe.

A SADC delegation has been anticipated to come to Harare in order to facilitate a settlement to the country’s political crisis.

This is after the recently held disputed elections which were roundly condemned by observer missions.

Mzembi writes:

I have been getting some enquiries on how ZANU ( PF ) can block or Mnangagwa impede a Resolution of SADC to despatch a team to Harare to engage the parties to the disputed Election.

They simply don’t issue the invitation noone can just pitch up in Harare uninvited.

This is what is happening.
This is what happened and stopped President Lourenco of Angola from leading a Team of two other Presidents to present a SADC solution we had drafted & resolved as Ministers of Foreign Affairs during the Coup; despite insisting he would fly into Harare, he was not guaranteed safety on landing. These are little but critical matters that can abet, facilitate or stop a process, it is protocol.

So if there is such a mission envisaged for Harare it is parked in the Protocol bay for now.