Update: Mnangagwa is finished, Mahiya, Matemadanda Fired fron Zanu PF

Emmerson Mnangagwa is a doomed man as his last line of defence is finally broken.

mnangagwa finished breaking zwnews.com

This comes after key Lacoste faction members in the Zanu PF politiburo and war veterans organisation were fired yesterday by Saviour Kasukuwere’s G40 dominated politiburo.

A source attending the meeting told zwnews.com that Team Lacoste is finished.

Lacoste front men Victor Matemadanda, Francis Nhando, Douglas Mahiya and Headman Moyo were fired from Zanu PF over their call for President Robert Mugabe to step down for a Mnangagwa takeover.

Right now these war vets are facing charges of ‘blaspheming’ Mugabe leadership via a no nonsense communique issued by the organisation last week.
