The European Union Honorary Ambassador to Zimbabwe for Youths Tanya Muzinda says the rise of President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power in 2017 was initially met with hope, especially for Zimbabwe’s youth, who longed for change after decades of Mugabe’s rule.

Apparently, she says the hope quickly turned to despair as corruption, cronyism, and political mismanagement began to erode the very foundations of the country’s future – including its sports sector, a vital outlet for young people’s aspirations and dreams.

“Imagine being a young, talented athlete in Zimbabwe, filled with dreams of representing your country on the world stage.

“You train daily, pushing your body and mind to the limit, hoping for a chance to escape poverty and inspire those around you. Yet, you watch helplessly as the very institutions meant to support your growth are crippled by corruption.

“Government funds that should be fueling youth programs, improving sports facilities, and providing opportunities are instead funneled into the pockets of Mnangagwa’s cronies and family,” she adds.

Muzinda goes on to say where there should be soccer fields bustling with activity, there are abandoned pitches and where there should be fully-funded training programs, there are empty promises.

“The young footballers, cricketers, and track stars who once believed they could lift Zimbabwe’s name high now face the brutal reality that their potential means nothing in the face of a government more interested in self-enrichment than in nurturing their talent.

“The soul of Zimbabwean sports is being ripped apart, one corrupt contract at a time.

“For many, sports were not just a pastime but a lifeline – a way to escape a future of unemployment and struggle. Now, with youth programs abandoned and funding evaporated, what is left for these young athletes?

“Dreams fade, giving way to anger, frustration, and hopelessness. Those who once saw sports as a path to success now face the heartbreaking choice of giving up their dreams or leaving their homeland altogether in search of opportunities that should have been theirs .

“This isn’t just about sports; it’s about the destruction of hope for an entire generation. Zimbabwe’s unemployment rate among the youth is staggering – nearly 50%.

“For many, sports were one of the few lights in the darkness, a means of escape from poverty and a source of pride for their communities. Mnangagwa’s corruption has snuffed out that light, leaving the country’s young people trapped in a cycle of despair, their potential wasted, their futures stolen.

“The loss is not just personal; it’s national. Zimbabwe’s once-proud sporting heritage is being tarnished, as fewer young athletes emerge to represent the nation on the global stage.

“Where are the next Olympians, the next soccer stars, the next national heroes? Mnangagwa’s corruption has robbed Zimbabwe not just of its athletes but of its pride.

“In the face of such overwhelming neglect, one can only ask: How much more must Zimbabwe’s youth sacrifice? How many more dreams must be shattered before there is accountability?

“These young people deserve better. They deserve a government that invests in their future, not one that steals it from them,” she says.
