President Emmerson Mnangagwa has challenged the Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (ZUPCO) to implement effective fleet management practices.

Mnangagwa while commissioning ZUPCO buses yesterday, said maintaining of timetables help manage queues.

“I urged ZUPCO to implement contemporary Fleet management practices like timetable and ensuring buses service places they are most needed to cut time spent in queues,” he said.

He also said ZUPCO’s partnership with NRZ to alleviate public transport challenges is now bearing fruit complemented by measures like construction of filters at traffic circles to alleviate congestion in major cities.

Mnangagwa In line with Gvnt’s intention to partially privatise ZUPCO I am informed of investors including sons and daughters of our country are making arrangements with local assembly companies. This will create jobs and reduce cost of buying buses in forex, parts can be sourced locally,” he said.

Meanwhile, ZUPCO has been failing to cope with the demand for transport in the country’s major towns and cities.

This has over the years led to long queues at ranks and bus terminals.

Much productive times has been lost as workers spend more time in queues.
