President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s financially challenged Zimbabwe Government has splashed a whopping $3,5 million to yet-to-be-sworn-in 100 provincial councillors who haven’t performed any duties since they were elected into office in 2018, it has been learnt.
Despite their election in July 2018, the councillors, ten from each of the country’s ten political provinces, are yet to be sworn in and they have been doing virtually nothing owing to their inexplicably delayed swearing in.
Authoritative sources told the regional Masvingo Mirror that the ‘idle’ provincial councillors received a lump-sum of $30 000 each last August before getting another lump-sum totalling to $5 000 this year.
Puzzlingly, the sources also revealed that apart from the payments, there is absolutely nothing written down to clarify the conditions of work for the members of the provincial council.
Local Government minister July Moyo could not be drawn into commenting on the matter as he said he was in a meeting.
