Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has accused his unnamed “enemies, detractors” of plotting his election defeat by wantonly increasing the prices of basic commodities.

Addressing the ruling Zanu PF’s Politburo, Mnangagwa vowed to crash these faceless enemies.

“The usual machinations and heinous acts of our country’s detractors to reverse our development agenda are glaring.

“This is evidenced by their antics and asymmetrical tactics which include the attack on our currency and the wanton increase in prices of basic commodities.”

Mnangagwa continued: “Asi vakanyangira yaona (we’re aware of their plot). They will never succeed, and the perpetrators are being brought to book.

“Just after my announcement of the proclamation of the elections, two days later we were under attack.”

Apparently, the local currency has continued on the downward spiral, amid calls for full dollarisation.
